Marriage Counseling:
The Help That Can Spell a Difference

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It is said that it can take a lot to make a marriage work, it can take much greater effort to keep one from falling apart. Today, it seems as if divorce rates are continuing to rise. You may be left wondering what to do or where to turn. Marriage counseling may be just what you are looking for.

Therapy has been shown to have a high success rate. Many couples see that they get what they put into it. Relationships can be difficult, having a licensed professional to guide you can make a world of difference.


In Good or Bad Times – For Better or For Worse

Every relationship can experience roadblocks and challenges. Marriage can indeed be tiring, frustrating and require a lot of work to live “happily ever after.” What marriage has not encountered a few challenges? These challenges come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from finances to family conflict. Couples may easily find solutions to some of these challenges, though not every challenge is solved simply.

Marriage can also be stressful. At the rate household roles and workplace expectations are fast shifting, more and more couples are finding it difficult to stay aligned with their partner. Parenthood can drastically change many aspects of a couple’s relationship, whether it is about day-to-day activities or building a road map of your future. The demands of a growing family can cause couples to struggle in finding time and energy for each other. This transition period may become a prime breeding ground for disappointment, infidelity, emotional disconnection, and loss of intimacy.

On the other hand, some relationships remain healthy through the years, yet still aspire to increase intimacy or find new ways to connect with each other to keep their relationship thriving. Your marriage may have survived the most harrowing challenges, but it does not mean you will stop seeking ways to grow stronger together.

Every couple is different, though ultimately it is up to them whether they stay together through good and bad times, for better or for worse. The good news is that there is help available. Seeking marriage counseling can help you to become stronger, working together to strengthen your relationship.


What is Marriage Counseling?

Marriage counseling is often referred to interchangeably with the terms couples therapy and relationship counseling. Regardless of what it is called, this form of therapy is conducted by a licensed counselor to help people in committed relationships. It usually involves both partners and is most effective when they attend the sessions together.

Marriage counseling is beneficial for married or unmarried people in many different kinds of relationships. It supports couples in moving forward by helping them to recognize the underlying cause of their conflicts and discord so they can improve their relationship.

Couples often seek marriage counseling for various reasons. This may include difficulty with communication, infidelity, a tragedy in the family, illness, and more. Counseling aims to provide the tools needed for couples to function effectively within their relationship. It is important for couples to recognize the fact that something needs to change, and both partners must be committed to doing the work. This is often the first step in making the decision to seek marriage counseling.


Common Relationship Concerns Resolved through Counseling

The goal for most couples deciding to seek marriage counseling is to save their relationship. For others, however, there are other concerns that drive them to seek therapy. Marriage counseling is not an overnight quick-fix solution. With dedication and effort on the part of couples going to therapy, positive results can be achieved.

Many couples seek counseling to address:

  • Infidelity
  • Unhealthy communication
  • Substance abuse
  • Challenging parenting situations
  • Intimacy concerns
  • Marital conflicts and resentment
  • Blended families
  • Trust
  • Grieving a loss
  • Deciding on separation or divorce
  • Anger
  • Major life changes

Unfortunately, many think of counseling as a last resort. Seeking counseling sooner, rather than later can make a world of difference. While counseling can be beneficial for couples questioning separation, it can also be a proactive step to strengthen your relationship, helping you to gain a deeper understanding of each other.

Individuals engaged to be married may also benefit from premarital counseling to help them explore areas of conflict or concern. It can help to address differences, personal values and expectations. This can also be a safe place to explore compatibility.

Like in any partnership, marriage counseling can be most effective if both partners have the same commitment to work on their marriage and grow together. If one partner is reluctant to participate in therapy or only expects their spouse to change, there is likely to be little progress.


The Time to Seek Help

A marital relationship is like an engine that propels your lives. Any trouble can impact your ability to go forward. Your marriage needs “maintenance” to remain healthy. Counseling can help.

If you are concerned about your relationship you don’t have to wait for things to get worse before seeking intervention. Research shows that couples wait an average of six years before seeking marriage counseling. Unfortunately, the longer you delay reaching out for help, the more time there is to build resentment.

There is no shame and there is no need to feel guilty about seeking marriage counseling. The right counselor for you could be one phone call away. Call Carolina Counseling Services – Cameron, NC today to get started!

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