The Connection Between
Insomnia and Depression
Not getting enough sleep can drastically affect how you feel and live your life. It is natural to struggle with sleep from time to time, however, if this becomes chronic it can have serious consequences. Chronic difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep is often associated with insomnia. Insomnia can be a symptom of many conditions including depression and anxiety. Similarly, insomnia can cause depression. This is particularly true for older adults. Regardless of which came first, both are treatable with a skilled licensed therapist.
Depression and Insomnia
Studies reveal that an estimated 80 percent of older adults with depression also report suffering from the symptoms of insomnia. This represents about six million Americans, says Web MD. It is important to see the connection between chronic sleep deprivation and geriatric depression. Could depression be the primary cause of your chronic insomnia or is it a secondary factor?
Many older adults suffer from depression and don’t receive proper treatment because sleeplessness is often ignored. Depression is treatable, however, not without proper intervention. It can feel next to impossible to be at your best if you aren’t getting enough sleep. It is natural that it can lead to depression.
According to Healthline, the susceptibility of older adults to depression could be genetic or be related to “a family history of depression.” We can also be naturally prone to the condition because of biological factors, such as having “low levels of key neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain, namely serotonin and norepinephrine.”
Healthline also cites that “limited mobility, isolation, facing mortality, transitioning from work to retirement, financial hardships, prolonged substance abuse, deaths of friends and loved ones, widowhood or divorce, and chronic medical conditions.” can lead to depression.
Are You Suffering from Insomnia?
While insomnia has a high prevalence among seniors, having difficulty sleeping doesn’t automatically mean you have insomnia. It is normal to experience sleeplessness occasionally, especially during a major life transition. It is, nonetheless, always advantageous to seek professional help immediately when it persists; considering the value of sleep on your physical and emotional health.
When should you see a professional? A Place for Mom offers these signs and symptoms of insomnia in older adults to help you decide when to seek professional help.
- Taking more than 30-45 minutes to fall asleep
- Having trouble staying asleep
- Waking up early, unable to fall back asleep*
- Depression
- Feeling drowsy, tired or exhausted
- Complaining of being up all night
- Accidents due to sleep deprivation
- Irritability
- Impaired memory
- Difficulty concentrating
Take note that insomnia could be related to a physical or mental health condition. Seeing a primary care doctor can help to rule out the possibilities of a medical condition or the side effects of medication keeping you awake at night. If your sleeplessness persists it may be wise to see a licensed therapist.
Counseling and Insomnia
You need to get the proper amount of sleep for healthy functioning. If you continue to struggle with sleep, counseling can be effective. Many approaches can address your sleep habits and help you to make improvements. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can also be extremely effective. This evidenced based approach can help you to start sleeping better.
CCS – Cameron Office contracts with licensed therapists who are trained in many approaches, including CBT. Our caring Scheduling Team can help to connect you with a therapist who is right for you. Call today to get started!