Resolving Behavioral Concerns
with Counseling

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Children can be naturally boisterous, they are learning and growing at a rapid pace which doesn’t always happen quietly. At times they can be so full of energy that you find yourself losing your patience. You may even find yourself wondering whether their behavior is part of their development or something to be concerned about. It can be difficult to know what behaviors are considered “normal” and what behaviors may benefit from intervention.

Discipline is often necessary when children are acting out. While you may know you have to provide structure and consequences, you may not know exactly where to start. If your child’s behavioral concerns continue, what could be next?

Children’s Behavior as a Message

Behavior is often a reflection of what’s on your child’s mind. It isn’t just because they want to make you feel a certain way, catch everyone’s attention or intimidate their peers. Believing that any of these motivations could be behind their behavior could cause you to miss important cues. Of course there must be consequences for “bad behavior”, but there could be important information that is getting lost in translation.

Frequent acting out can be due to a variety of things from pain and lack of sleep to sadness and anxiety. By simply addressing the outward behavior, symptoms could get worse.

Confused children can exhibit a wide range of behaviors that may run counter to what you may perceive as “normal”. This is because children lack the understanding of what could trigger their negative feelings – sadness, excessive fear, guilt, anger, etc. This can make reading their behavior challenging. To shed light on their behaviors and to “read between the lines,” it can be helpful to consult with a trained professional.

Reading Between the Lines

It isn’t easy to read a child’s behavior. Due to this you may find yourself wondering if your child’s behavior is healthy, is it a behavioral issue, or do they need counseling?

For example, being “grumpy” or easily agitated is common among very young children. Older children can also be moody when they don’t get enough sleep or are sick. When they exhibit tantrums with increasing frequency and intensity, however, this could be a symptom of a mood disorder. Differentiating can be difficult and confusing but you are not alone, help is available.

Behavioral Red Flags

A child who is constantly misbehaving will catch your attention, but you may ignore their overall behavior, thinking that it is just a stage. This underscores the importance of knowing what to look out for.

Concerning behaviors are often seen as “attention-grabbing” and disruptive, such as outbursts, rage, and defiance. It can also be helpful to note non-violent behaviors that may also indicate something’s off – excessive sadness or fear, social isolation, withdrawal, a sudden decline in their academic performance, and loss of interest in things that they used to love. Even subtle changes can be early indicators of something more, such as sudden introverted behavior, not saying anything at all, or bottling up strong emotions.

Counseling and Behavior

Behaviors can be difficult to assess on your own. It can be incredibly difficult to take an unbiased stance with your own child! Regardless of the behaviors your child is exhibiting, early intervention can be helpful. Turn to a therapist independently contracted with Carolina Counseling Services — Cameron, NC. Call today to schedule your first appointment.


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