Counseling for Co-Occurring
Depression and Anxiety
Depression and anxiety can be overwhelming in their own right, when they occur together you can feel paralyzed. While both are treatable, experiencing symptoms of both at the same can feel like too much to manage. It is not uncommon for anxiety and depression to happen at the same time, this is referred to as “co-occurring disorders”. There is a great deal of overlap between the two diagnoses, treatment is available and you can find remission.
Research shows that 60 to 70 percent of individuals diagnosed with depression also have anxiety; and about 50 percent of individuals with chronic anxiety also have depressive episodes. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) says that panic disorder and other anxiety disorders often come with major depression as well.
Understanding Depression and Anxiety
Knowing more about the symptoms of both depression and anxiety can help you to determine what may be going on for you. While learning more can be helpful, seeing a licensed therapist is one of the best ways to assess your current symptoms and find a treatment plan that is right for you.
Symptoms of anxiety can include;
- Excessive worry
- Difficulty controlling worry
- Irritability
- Difficulty sleeping
- Difficulty concentrating
- Feeling on edge
- Muscle tension
- Racing thoughts
- Panic attacks
- Fearing the worst will happen
- Difficulty relaxing
There are a number of anxiety disorders and additional symptoms may be present. If you notice any of the above symptoms it may be best to consult with a provider.
Symptoms of depression may include;
- Sad mood
- Fatigue
- Sleep changes such as sleeping excessively or insomnia
- Changes in appetite like excessive eating or lack of appetite
- Difficult making decisions
- Negative view of self
- Decreased interest in things you used to enjoy
- Feeling slowed down or sped up
- Thoughts of death or suicide
As with anxiety, there are many types of mood disorders and your symptoms may vary. If you feel you are experiencing symptoms of a depressive disorder, don’t wait for things to become unmanageable before seeking treatment.
Treating Co-Occurring Depression and Anxiety
Anxiety and depression occur together often. Their symptoms have a lot of overlap and can easily feed into each other. Counseling is an effective way to treat both depression and anxiety. Remission is possible.
Many evidence based approaches can be effective in treating depression and anxiety, however, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is thought to be one of the best. CCS – Cameron Office contracts with many skilled licensed therapists and counselors. Finding the therapist that is right for you is easy with Carolina Counseling Services. Call today to schedule your first appointment!