Break the Cycle
of Depression Symptoms

You may be in good health, have supportive friends, a promising career, and be in a healthy relationship, but still find yourself feeling sadness or even emptiness. You may not want to feel this way and be left confused as to why you do. You’re not alone. Depression could be the underlying reason you are feeling despair and disinterest.

Depression is a condition that can leave you feeling discouraged, sad, hopeless, unmotivated, or disinterested. Depression is a serious mood disorder and is a growing concern for many. In the United States, it is estimated that about 35 to 40 million people will have “major depression at some time during their lives” and about half of them may struggle with recurrent symptoms.

Depressive symptoms can be overwhelming, though depression is treatable, therapy can help. With proper intervention your symptoms of depression can be improved, and you can start to enjoy your life again. Learning more about depression can help you to find what treatment options are right for you. There are many myths out there when it comes to depression, getting the facts can be incredibly important.

Some Facts:

Depression isn’t just about sadness.

There is more to depression than sadness. While it is a hallmark symptom, the sadness experienced due to depression is much deeper and ongoing.

Feelings of sadness are a response to an upsetting life event and are usually temporary. However, when persistent, intense and without an apparent reason, it could be depression and should not be ignored.

Depression is a condition.

Depression isn’t merely a feeling you can “snap out of” or will away. Like other medical concerns, it is a condition that needs to be treated by a health professional for the symptoms to improve and be resolved.

Depression is both physiological and biological – an imbalance in your brain chemicals called neurotransmitters is often present with depression. It can also be triggered by an event or trauma.

Genetic predisposition can make you predisposed to depression.

If there are several members of your family who have depression, you may be more likely to develop depression yourself. Though, just because you could be genetically predisposed or at greater risk for depression, this doesn’t mean you will develop it.

If predisposition is increasing your susceptibility, it can be helpful to know the warning signs and symptoms. Therapy can help you address your responses to what may be considered potential triggers, such as your environment or distressing and overwhelming life events.

Nobody is immune to depression.

Studies and surveys reveal that anyone can experience depression; women, men, seniors, children and teens can all be affected. Depression can also affect children Depression in Children: The Message Behind the Anger, even when they seem to be too young. Teens can be susceptible in part because of the many changes happening in their bodies. Depression is also a concern among seniors, particularly those with failing health.

Talking about depression or your symptoms can be helpful.

Depression can happen to anyone, and we live in a time when you can talk more freely about your symptoms and receive support. Therapy can help you face your negative thoughts, which can be reinforcing your depression. Counseling is highly effective when done with an unbiased and caring therapist.

Finding the right therapist for you is easier than ever with Carolina Counseling Services — Cameron, NC. CCS contracts with caring and knowledgeable therapists that know how to address symptoms of depression. Call today to make an appointment!