Anxiety and Your Relationship

Anxiety can challenge your relationship in a variety of ways. If one partner is struggling with anxiety, the other half may also be affected. It is hard not to be, no one wants to see someone they love battle anxiety. Concern can affect your well-being as well as the overall quality of your relationship and life. Without the knowledge and skills to address anxiety you may be feeling at a loss as to what to do next. Therapy can help.

What Causes Anxiety in a Marriage?

Enjoying your relationship and celebrating the love you feel for each other can be a tall order when you or your spouse are anxious. It is seemingly unbelievable, but anxiety can ruin the most loving marriages, but it doesn’t have to.

There are many possible reasons why anxiety can disrupt a once harmonious marriage. For one, the pressures tend to build the longer you are together. You may begin to advance in your career, work toward goals, have children, move etc. While some of these changes may be welcomed and exciting, they can also be anxiety provoking.

Any change, good or bad, can be difficult to adjust to. If your partner is worried about finances, even getting a new, better paying job may trigger worry. While there are positives, there may be “what ifs” about losing that job. Anxiety can be overwhelming, therapy can help.

How Can Counseling Help?

Anxiety is overwhelming, however, it is very treatable. Counseling has been shown to be an effective intervention. There are many choices when it comes to counseling, one of which is deciding whether you would like to see a therapist individually or with your spouse.

Individual counseling focuses on what you, yourself, are experiencing when it comes to anxiety symptoms. You can target your symptoms and the way the affect your daily life. With your therapist you can learn what your triggers are as well as skills to find relief from anxiety. In individual therapy you can target what is standing in your way and learn healthy ways to move forward.

Marriage counseling or couples counseling focuses on what is impacting your relationship and what you would like to see change as a couple. Anxiety can of course be addressed, though the focus may be a bit different. Sessions can focus on communication and conflict resolution as well as education regarding anxiety. This can also be effective in treating anxiety and working toward remission.

How To Find the Right Therapist

Carolina Counseling Services – Cameron Office contracts with licensed therapists and counselors that are able to provide individual and couples sessions. You don’t have to choose just one. Your therapist is able to work with you individually as well as with you and your partner.

It is important that you do not share the same individual therapist, however, you may choose your individual therapist to also be your couples therapist. You don’t have to be held prisoner by your anxiety. It doesn’t have to affect you and your relationship. Counseling can help, call CCS today to get started.

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