What is Narcissism?

The term “narcissist” is thrown around a lot these days, though you may find yourself wondering what it truly is. Narcissism often refers to individuals who have an inflated sense of self and of their own importance. Those with narcissistic tendencies usually have a lack of empathy toward others and seek excessive admiration. Narcissistic behavior and personality can vary in intensity.  It can range from mild tendencies toward being self-absorbed to an actual diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

Common Signs of Narcissism

At its core, narcissism involves a pattern of perceived grandiosity as well as a preoccupation with success, power, brilliance, or beauty.  Those exhibiting narcissistic traits often seek excessive admiration from others and often have a sense of entitlement. This is often played out in a belief that they deserve special treatment. Many with these tendencies also lack understanding or compassion regarding others. This can lead to a great deal of conflict in relationships.  

Common signs of narcissism may include:

  • A belief that they are superior or “better than” others
  • Constantly seeking validation, admiration, praise, attention etc 
  • Difficulty understanding feelings of others/lack of empathy
  • Sense of entitlement
  • Taking advantage of others

This list is not exhaustive, though it illustrates some signs that an individual may have narcissistic traits or tendencies. 

What Causes Narcissism?

There isn’t a known direct cause of narcissism, though there are some factors that tend to contribute to the development of these tendencies and behaviors. Experts believe it may stem from a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Early childhood experiences, such as excessive pampering or neglect, can play a role in the development of narcissistic traits. Some theories suggest that narcissism develops as a defense mechanism to cope with feelings of insecurity or inadequacy.

In many cases, individuals with narcissistic tendencies or Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) may have low self-esteem, which can seem in direct conflict with their outward displays of confidence and even in some cases superiority. These factors can create a fragile sense of self that requires constant reinforcement through praise and admiration.

Can Narcissistic Traits or NPD Improve? 

The short answer is yes, those with these tendencies and behaviors can improve. The first step toward recovery is recognizing that things need to change. Unfortunately, for many with these traits they view others as the problem. Once this belief begins to shift, change is possible. 

If you are concerned that you may have narcissistic tendencies or are impacted by someone close to you with these behaviors, therapy can help. Approaches such as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) have been found to be effective in improving narcissistic behaviors. 

Narcissism can also have a profound effect on others. If you have been impacted by narcissism you deserve support. Therapy can help. Carolina Counseling Services in Cameron contracts with skilled licensed therapists. Call today to get started!