Self-Esteem Issues
Can Affect Adults Too

You may look in the mirror and focus on your flaws, feeling self-doubt, uncertainty, even shame and anger towards the image that you see. This feeling may be so intense, that you may even despise yourself for not being the person that you want to be. While you may know this isn’t healthy, this is how many people feel. 

The feeling can be awful. Worse, low self-esteem can result in other concerns, such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, risky behaviors and other unhealthy habits. Low self-esteem can negatively impact the different facets of your life, preventing you from finding your purpose and from chasing your dreams. It can be hard to meet your goals when you are constantly doubting yourself or don’t believe you deserve to succeed. 

Self-esteem develops early. Growing up in a negative or “shaming” environment can result in lower self-esteem which can persist into adulthood. It isn’t too late to turn things around. With professional help, your perception of yourself and self-image can improve. Counseling can make a world of difference. 

The Nature of Low Self-esteem

According to the Good Therapy, “Self-esteem is the degree to which we feel confident, consider ourselves valuable, and respect ourselves, and this greatly affects our well-being.” It exists on a continuum or in varying levels, from high to low. A person with low self-esteem is vulnerable to feelings of self-criticism, insecurity, stifled anger, and shame. It can also be an indication of poor emotional health or certain behavioral conditions, such as anxiety and depression.

Being weighed down by low self-esteem isn’t just about feeling worthless. It can undesirably impact almost every aspect of your life, as it stands in the way of doing or accomplishing the things you need to. It can breed other problems as well. Poor self-image can leave you feeling inadequate in academic, work situations and in various social settings. It can also leave you feeling intensely pessimistic. Thus, you may be likely to doubt yourself and believe that you cannot achieve anything significant.

Feeling helpless and inadequate, there is also a high chance you will be overwhelmed by guilt. As failure becomes a constant companion, you may get used to thinking that it is your fault. This can cause you to blame yourself for every failure, fault and mishap that happens in your life even if they are not your fault.

Changing deeply-entrenched ideas can be difficult. If you believe you are without true worth, you may still feel the same despite your successes. Rising above whatever is causing your low self-esteem is possible. Therapy can help, but first you must commit to making a change.

How Can Counseling Help Improve Self-Esteem? 

You may recognize that your self-esteem isn’t at a healthy level though you do not know how to make it better. It can be hard to do this if you don’t believe you deserve it. Everyone deserves to have a healthy self-image and level of self-esteem. 

Therapy can create a space for you to process the way you view yourself and how you talk to yourself. With the right counselor you can identify where your poor self-image is coming from and begin to challenge unhealthy narratives that support these beliefs. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can help with this tremendously. 

Carolina Counseling Services – Cameron, NC contracts with licensed therapists and counselors that know how to treat low self-esteem. Begin viewing yourself in a more positive light. Call CCS today to schedule your first appointment. Online counseling and in person sessions are available!

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