Keep Panic Attacks at Bay

A main ingredient of a panic attack is fear. Fear is often what triggers a panic attack as well as what sustains it. It is so difficult to avoid being afraid because of the symptoms that accompany the attacks. Panic can cause you to feel dizzy, nauseous and breathless. Hyperventilation can also occur. This is because your heart is beating fast and your body can barely keep up with it. The experience can feel like a heart attack. Panic attacks are thought to be one of the most overwhelming forms of anxiety.

It is common for people to experience panic attacks or ‘fight or flight response’ occasionally. Panic attacks happen from time to time because this is how your body tries to protect itself. When a panic attack sets off, blood flow will increase, thus carrying more oxygen to your muscles and brain. This process will, in turn, break down the sugar in your muscles, increasing the energy level available to either fight or flee. This is the mechanism involved during emergencies or life-threatening scenarios. 

Though the ‘fight or flight response’ is natural, too much of it is bad.  Panic attacks can harm your brain and body. This results from receiving wrong signals, even when there is no imminent danger. If left untreated, panic attacks can lead to depression, panic disorder, other forms of anxiety, and other mental health conditions. While this may all sound frightening, panic attacks are treatable.

Panic Disorder: What is it?

A panic attack may only last for a short while, but you can feel its effects long after. Frequent panic attacks may be an indicator of panic disorder.  Panic disorder can impact your mindset as to how you go about your day. It can restrict your life, activities and source of livelihood. 

You may drastically change your lifestyle, job, preferences, and hobbies to avoid triggers to panic attacks. This is a hallmark symptom, fear of panic attacks leading to avoidance of many things. “Recurring panic attacks with anxiety and worry in between attacks, living in constant or near-constant fear of having another attack for at least one month following an attack (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual).” 

When you have panic disorder, the attacks can occur anytime and anywhere. It can occur without warning or even identifiable triggers it can seem. So, it can happen even in places you feel safe, just as they can in places you feel stressed. Panic can leave you feeling defenseless and unprotected. It can impact even your self confidence and self-esteem.

Signs That Your Panic Could be Panic Disorder

The following signs can be an indicator that your panic attacks are actually part of panic disorder: 

  • Frequent, unanticipated panic attacks that aren’t associated with a specific situation or trigger
  • Worrying a lot about having another panic attack
  • Behaving differently, such as avoiding places where you may possibly have another attack
  • Panic attacks are greatly impacting your ability to live your life as you’d like to

If any of the above sound familiar, know that panic disorder is treatable. Therapy can help. 

Treating Panic Disorder with Counseling

Panic disorder is treatable, your symptoms can improve and you can start living your life as you’d like. Therapy can help. With the help of a licensed therapist you can learn more about your panic triggers and find skills to decrease their frequency and intensity. Counseling can help you stop panic in its tracks. 

Carolina Counseling Services – Cameron, NC contracts with skilled therapists that know how to treat panic disorder. Many are trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) which is effective in treating anxiety disorder, particularly Panic Disorder. You aren’t alone, CCS can help. Call today to schedule your first appointment.

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