Does Online Counseling Work?

Since 2020, we have seen a rise in the use of online counseling as an alternative to in person therapy. When the rise in online counseling began many clients and therapists alike, questioned whether the same care provided in an in-person setting would filter over to the Online platform.

Does Research support the use of Online Counseling?

  • Research has shown that online counseling can be just as effective as face-to-face therapy for the treatment of depression.
  • The use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the online therapy arena has also been found to help treat both depression and anxiety.
  • Additionally, clients have expressed that they have found online counseling to be just as effective and helpful as in person therapy.

What makes Online Counseling work?

One huge benefit that has been noticed with the use of online counseling, also known as Telemental health counseling, is the convenience and ease for clients to add their therapy appointments into their day-to-day routines. In the past many individuals seeking therapy found that it was too time consuming and at times plain out unfeasible to add in weekly therapy appointments into their already packed busy days.

Some individuals who live with chronic pain and/or mobility concerns have in the past opted out of the idea of being able to access care from a counselor, as they were physically unable to make it to brick and mortar offices for therapy. Not to mention, some individuals residing in rural areas where access is limited, the thought of seeing a therapist was just not in the cards for them.

With the advent of technology, it is now easier than ever to obtain access to a trained clinician right from the comforts of your own home! The added benefit of online counseling has virtually eliminated most previous barriers to care.

Online counseling works because you are now able to access the same care from afar, the only difference being that now you are able to access care from the comfort of your own home or wherever your preferred location may be during times that are most convenient for you and your therapist!

If you are one of those individuals who in the past felt that counseling was not an option for you due to the above-mentioned reasons, no fear, you now have so much more access to searching for help from therapists all over the State who can treat you online.

For some the idea of utilizing technology can be scary and daunting to say the least, however here at Carolina Counseling Services we make it as easy as possible for you to access therapy without having to be a master with Technology.

Just as with in-person counseling, feeling heard and connected with your therapist is an important element to ensure that your counseling experience is a success. Our therapists at Carolina Counseling Services are able to offer the same warm caring therapeutic experience as you would receive in our office setting.

Building trust with your therapist is a necessary component within the therapeutic relationship and our therapists are here to listen attentively to your needs and concerns, so that you may work collaboratively to manage any concerns you may present. Once trust has been developed, the process of honest sharing can take place and that is the beginning of your journey towards relief regarding your presenting symptoms or concerns.

Reasons Online Counseling may not be a best fit for you:

  • Technological issues: Poor internet connection, technical glitches, or unfamiliarity with technology can disrupt the counseling session and hinder effective communication.
  • Privacy concerns: Some individuals may feel uncomfortable discussing personal issues over the internet due to concerns about privacy and confidentiality.
  • Complex mental health needs: Individuals with severe mental health conditions or complex needs may require more intensive and specialized care that is better suited to traditional face-to-face counseling.
  • Lack of immediate support: Online counseling may not provide the same level of immediate support as in-person counseling, especially in crisis situations.
  • Preference for in-person interaction: Some people simply prefer the interpersonal connection and intimacy of face-to-face counseling over the remote nature of online sessions.
  • Difficulty building rapport: Building a strong therapeutic alliance may be more challenging in an online setting compared to in-person sessions, particularly for those who struggle with trust or social interaction.
  • Cultural or language barriers: Online counseling may not adequately address cultural or language differences, leading to misunderstandings or difficulties in communication.

It’s essential for individuals considering online counseling to weigh these factors and determine whether it aligns with their needs, preferences, and circumstances. Consulting with a mental health professional can also provide valuable insight and guidance in making this decision. Make the best out of your online counseling by seeking out a counselor you can trust. Call us today!